19 Ocak 2012 Perşembe



        Iğdır is a province in eastern Turkey. This province is located along the border with Armenia,  Azerbaijan and Iran. According to the census of population done in 2010, Iğdır's population is 184,418. Turkey's highest mountain, Mount Ararat is located greatly in Iğdır.

       Iğdır plain is located in the North-eastern Anatolian Region,the coldest region of Turkey. The plain is hotter and it has lower rainfall when it is compared to the region, in which it is located.
Therefore, cotton even can be grown in Iğdır. In addition, there is Aras River in the border Armenia-Iğdır. The plain has salty soil because of alluvium carried by Aras River and materials from volcanic Ararat Mountain.
Previously cotton was main agricultural product in this area but in present fruit, sugar beet,
wheat, barley, leguminous seeds and various vegetables are cultivated.
Now, I will introduce you Iğdır's the most delicious meal:)

Firstly, I want to begin with Omaç Halva. Many kind of halva is cooked in Iğdır, but Omaç Halva is the most famous among them. I will tell you how to cook Omaç Halva.

*2 cup floor
*1.5 cup sugar
*2.5 cup milk
*250 g margarine
*1 packet vanilla

     Let's do halva:)
Firstly, you need to be patient because it is not so easy as you guess...
Put flour and margarine into a saucepan and broil it at low heat for an hour.
After 35 minutes, halva begins to liquefy. At this stage, continue to mix up it.
If the color of halva becomes dark, it is time for adding milk. In addition, the mixture of margarine and flour must not stick the saucepan and spoon. According to my grandmother's recipe, If you put little broiled flour into a spoon of milk  and you hear ''cozzzz ''sound, ıt is time for adding milk.
Also,while flour is broiled in the saucepan, you need to put milk, sugar and vaniline into another plate and mix up it until sugar melts completely. After flour is broiled, add the mixture of milk and sugar into saucepan at a high heat because flour absorbs it in a short time. 

Mix up it quickly until absorbed. When it solidifies, you leave it for being steeped. you can range it to serving dish with the help of a spoon.



1 yorum:

  1. Dear Berivan,I think that you introduced us Iğdır perfectly. I learned a lot of things about Iğdır.It seems very nice city. You are lucky to live there. You also gave information about Igdır's meal. It looks very delicious.You showed us photos. This makes your writing more attractive. I really enjoyed while reading your journal.Congratulations!
