24 Ocak 2012 Salı


The world is undergoing immense changes. Never before have the conditions of life changed so swiftly and enormously as they have changed for mankind in the last fifty years. We have been carried along -with no virtues of measuring the increasing swiftness in the succession of events. We are only now beginnig to realize the force and strength of the storm of change that has come upon us. These changes have not come upon our world from without . No huge meteorite from outer space has struck our planet; there have been no overwhelming outbreaks of volcanic violance or strange epidemic diseases. The changes have come through men themselves. Quite a small number of people, homeless of the ultimate consequence of what they did, one man here and a group there, have made discoveries and produced and adopted inventions that have changed all the conditions of social life.
We are now just beginning to realize the nature of these changes, to find words and phrases for them and put them down. First they began to happen, and then we began to see that they were happening and now we are beginning to see how these changes are connected together  and to get the measure of their consequences. We are getting our covers so clear about them that soon we shall be able to deceive and explain them to our children in our schools. We do not do so at present. We do not give our children a chance of discovering that they live in a world of universal change.

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