23 Kasım 2011 Çarşamba


   Studying in the USA is very attractive for students as a result of its advantages. They learn American culture and they learn a lot of things from people who live in the USA.They can gain experience thanks to team works.Additionally, they think they have a creative atmosphere due to American Education System.
   Linxi  decided to go to the USA for education because she needs high scores to attend Chinese college.Krishna is from the Netherlands, she chose USA for studying because she wants to study in a team and she thinks education should base on creavity.
   They observed some differences in educational life and daily life. Krishna thinks the Netherlands' Education System is strict and it is not creative; however, in the USA, education is very flexible and creative.The Japanse student says that students have to choose a major  in Japan and after it, they can not change their major.When it comes to daily life, Linxi says in America, people use drying machines to dry their clothes but Chinese people do not use it, they hang out their clothes.The Japanese student  says in Japan, people do not speak each other directly ;nonetheless, in America they communicate each other directly.  
   The expense depends on their department  because each departmant needs different  quantities.Also, they have to spend money for housing, meals,boarding, tuition,airplane but ıt needs around 35.000 dollars they think it is moderate.
   They experienced culture shock like all international students because it is natural. They thinks culture shock is a feeling of disorientation or confusion that somebody has  when he or she begins to live in a new country. I have thought of going to America for studying so that I can improve my english and I can learn their culture.I think If I go to America, I will have similar experiences because every country has different cultures, habits.

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