30 Aralık 2011 Cuma


     Not so long ago, many of us resisted separating the glass, cans, and paper out of our garbage. What a hassle. Today, of course, every second-grader knows that the world's resources are limited and that recycling helps preserve them. We act locally, while thinking globally. It's time to bring the same consciousness to health care as we face a growing medical crisis: the loss of antibiotic effectiveness against common bacterial illnesses. By personally refusing—or not demanding—antibiotics for viral illnesses they won't cure, we can each take a step toward prolonging overall antibiotic effectiveness.
     Media reports have likely made you aware of this problem, but they have neglected the implications. Your brother catches a cold that turns into a sinus infection. His doctor treats him with antibiotics, but the bacteria are resistant to all of them. The infection enters his bloodstream—a condition known as septicemia—and a few days later, your brother dies. (Septicemia is what killed Muppets creator Jim Henson a few years ago.) Or instead of a cold, he has an infected cut that won't heal, or any other common bacterial disease, such as an ear or prostate infection.
   Far-fetched? It's not. The antibiotics crisis is real. Consider Streptococcus pneumoniae: This common bacterium often causes post-flu pneumonia. (Pneumonia and influenza combined are the country's sixth leading cause of death, killing 82,500 Americans in 1996.) Before 1980, less than 1 percent of S. pneumoniae samples showed any resistance to penicillin. As of last May, researchers at the Naval Medical Center in San Diego discovered that 22 percent of S. pneumoniae samples were highly resistant to it, with another 15 percent moderately so. And the most recent statistics from the Sentry Antimicrobial Surveillance Program, which monitors bacterial resistance at 70 medical centers in the U.S., Canada, Europe, and South America, show that 44 percent of S. pneumoniae samples in the U.S. are highly resistant, and worldwide, resistance is at an all-time high...

23 Kasım 2011 Çarşamba


   Studying in the USA is very attractive for students as a result of its advantages. They learn American culture and they learn a lot of things from people who live in the USA.They can gain experience thanks to team works.Additionally, they think they have a creative atmosphere due to American Education System.
   Linxi  decided to go to the USA for education because she needs high scores to attend Chinese college.Krishna is from the Netherlands, she chose USA for studying because she wants to study in a team and she thinks education should base on creavity.
   They observed some differences in educational life and daily life. Krishna thinks the Netherlands' Education System is strict and it is not creative; however, in the USA, education is very flexible and creative.The Japanse student says that students have to choose a major  in Japan and after it, they can not change their major.When it comes to daily life, Linxi says in America, people use drying machines to dry their clothes but Chinese people do not use it, they hang out their clothes.The Japanese student  says in Japan, people do not speak each other directly ;nonetheless, in America they communicate each other directly.  
   The expense depends on their department  because each departmant needs different  quantities.Also, they have to spend money for housing, meals,boarding, tuition,airplane but ıt needs around 35.000 dollars they think it is moderate.
   They experienced culture shock like all international students because it is natural. They thinks culture shock is a feeling of disorientation or confusion that somebody has  when he or she begins to live in a new country. I have thought of going to America for studying so that I can improve my english and I can learn their culture.I think If I go to America, I will have similar experiences because every country has different cultures, habits.

23 Ekim 2011 Pazar


   I feel I am going through an adaption process from being a high school student to a university student in middle east technical university. I feel this process both academically and socially. Because, in the beginning, I couldn’t speak English fluently and appropriately in terms of pronunciation rules, I didn’t understand English Literature well and my German wasn’t perfect. But now, I am getting to speak English more fluently and I begin to understand Shakespeare’s sonnets. In my opinion English Literature is very different from Turkish Literature and understanding English Literature is very valuable for me. I start to improve German. I think German is very entertaining so I enjoy it. I believe that in future, since I know English and German, there will be a lot of job opportunities for me. Beforehand, I didn’t have blogger and Gmail account and I didn’t know how to use them efficiently; however, nowadays I am learning to use them and I can communicate my teacher and my friends on internet. Also, I have Advanced Reading and Writing lesson. Thanks to this lesson, I am getting to understand texts better.
    I have a lot of friends from other cities of Turkey and all of them have different personalities. Also I can see different cultures at every corner of METU, there are a lot of foreign people who are from China, Kyrgyzstan and Kenya….
   In this adaption process, my family and my home mates support me greatly; nonetheless, I can’t pass this process in a large measure. Since I came to Ankara in 6 September for registration procedures, I haven’t gone to my country, Iğdır, for this reason I have difficultiesin getting used to Ankara. My country isn’t as crowded as Ankara and It is very peaceful for me, so I don’t like Ankara. As my educatıon language is English, I have difficulties in understanding my teachers, yet I believe I will able to overcome these obstacles. According to me if onestudies hard, nothingstop her or him. I will do my best, too.                                   
   If one wants to improve herself, METU is best place for this. There are a lot of opportunities such as violin, nay, guitar courses and METU library is very broad and it has a lot of sources such as books, novels, magazines. There are a lot of computers for researching, too. In addition, there are a lot of sport clubs and student communities and you can choose these groups according to our interests, hobbies. For example, Orienteering and navigation community is appropriate students who like adventure and adrenaline. For these reasons, METU have fulfilled my expectations.
   Being a student at METU means having a lot of opportunities such as effective teachers and sport activities. You have these opportunities not only when you are a student at METU, but also after your graduation.